How YOU can help!
The District urges residents to do their part to protect themselves from mosquito bites by following these recommendations:
1 Check property for any standing water and get rid of it.
Here are some common places we find mosquitoes breeding:



Pots and plant saucers

Clogged roof gutters

Kiddie pools

Green swimming pools

Yards that don't drain properly

Kids Toys

Improperly stored tires

2• When mosquitoes are active, use EPA registered insect repellents that contain one of these main ingredients:

- Picaridin
- Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus
- IR3535
3• Make sure your screens on windows and doors are in good repair to prevent mosquitoes from entering the home

4• Check around faucets and air conditioner units, and repair leaks or puddles that remain for several days
5• Report dirty/green pools and other backyard sources to the AVMVCD at 661-942-2917