Mosquito Fish
The District provides FREE mosquito fish to all District residents for placement on their property only. Please call the District office at (661) 942-2917 to request FREE mosquitofish for your home.
Since mosquito fish are not native to California, it is prohibited to use them in natural water ways (creeks, streams, lakes).
Mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) are small, guppy-like fish, which are expansively used in modern mosquito control programs. They feed primarily on small aquatic insects, such as mosquito larvae.
Mosquito fish have many benefits in mosquito control. They are:
- able to mature, reproduce and survive quite well in a variety of water conditions
- able to tolerate moderately high levels of salt, algae, pollutants, and a temperature range from nearly freezing to above 100° Fahrenheit
- compatible with most ornamental pond fish, including Goldfish, Koi and Carp
- perfect for permanent mosquito breeding sources (basins, ponds, horse troughs, rain barrels, unused pools)
Female mosquito-fish produce eggs that hatch within their bodies, releasing 30-100 well developed young, called "fry" into the water. Young mosquito-fish are about one half inch in length when born and immediately begin eating mosquito larvae. They grow rapidly in the summer and reach a maximum size of 1-1.5 inches in males and 2.5 - 3 inches in females. Gambusia breed throughout the summer and a new brood is produced at 4-6 week intervals. The young fish reach maturity in about 4-5 months.
As part of our Integrated Vector Management program, we stock these fish at the District to provide to residents for free for use on their property.