Submit a Tip!

Preventing mosquito-borne disease requires joint commitment by public health agencies and by you, the resident. A healthier community is made possible only when everyone shares the responsibility of mosquito control.
Confidential reporting: The information you provide will be used for the sole purpose of directing resources in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases. Personal information will remain confidential and will not be made public or shared with any other party as permitted by law.
Where Tips Go
The information you provide will be used for the sole purpose of directing resources in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases.
How Tips are Handled
Know that the tip you submit may result in an investigation or action on someone else's private property. Personal information will remain confidential and will not be made public or shared with any other party as permitted by law. The District may contact you for further information, but will not provide further updates or details regarding the case.
Post-tip Actions
Commit to long-term solutions to keep mosquitoes out of your property. Study shows that high level of participation from residents results in more bite-free neighborhoods. If necessary, the District may provide temporary larval control while residents work on permanent solutions to eliminate the mosquito habitat.