Prop 218 Benefit Assessment
UPDATE: The Proposition 218 vote did not pass and therefore the District did not receive the anticipated additional funding. The District needed at least 50% approval by the public, and we only received 45% approval. As a result, we anticipate scaling back our operations. Please be patient as we work our way through this new normal.
What is Proposition 218?
In 1996, California voters adopted Proposition 218 (Prop 218), which added article XIII D to the state Constitution. Local government agencies such as the Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (District) must comply with Prop 218 when proposing new or increased mosquito abatement charges. The agency must mail a notice of the proposed charges to its customers, including the amount or basis for calculating the water charges. No sooner than 45 days after mailing the notice, the agency must hold a hearing at one of its public meetings and consider any comments made by members of the community. The agency also must consider the number of protests submitted by property owners. If valid protests are submitted for a majority (50% + 1) of properties served by the District, then the District cannot adopt the proposed mosquito abatement charges.
At a special board meeting on May 12, 2021, the Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Board of Trustees voted to mail ballots for a Prop 218 Benefit Assessment in order to increase funding to continue a high level of mosquito control within the community and to assist in combatting the invasive Aedes aegypti mosquito infestation.
A Public Hearing regarding the Prop 218 measure will be held on Tuesday July 5th at 4:00 p.m. During the Public Hearing meeting, there will be a public input portion. Each speaker will be permitted 3 minutes to speak. Depending on how many people would like to speak, this portion can take up to 30 minutes or more. A link to attend the Public Hearing via Zoom will be sent to residents upon request. Please email to request the link for our
upcoming public hearing to be held Tuesday, July 5th at 4:00 pm.
Tabulation of the ballots will be taking place on July 6th and 7th from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the District office under the direction of the Clerk of the Board and guidance from SCI Engineering Group.Results will be announced at a special board meeting on Wednesday July 13th at 4:00 pm via ZOOM. If you would like to attend please contact for the meeting link.
Community Meeting Invitation
Follow the links below for more information and informaccion en espanol:
Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (
Distrito de Control de Mosquitos de la Valle de Antelope (
If you have any additional questions, please contact the District at 661.942.2917. Para informaccion en espanol por favor hable a 1-800-273-5167.
Engineer's Report Antelope Valley MVCD 22.pdfHere are some important dates:
- May 12th, 4:00pm: Special Board Meeting at 42624 6th Street E. in Lancaster, CA to review ballots and present the Preliminary Engineers Report.
- May 17th Informational Community Outreach meeting regarding Prop 218. Email for Zoom meeting link.
- May 18th: Ballots are mailed to residents.
- May 20th: Ballots start to be received by residents.
- July 5th: Public Hearing meeting regarding Prop 218. Email for the zoom link.
- July 6th-7th: Ballot Tabulation.
- July 13th, 4:00pm: Special Board Meeting at 42624 6th Street E. in Lancaster, CA to announce results.
FAQ's Regarding the Prop 218 Assessment:
Please watch for your ballot by mail starting on May 18, 2022.
(Ballots were mailed on May 18, 2022)
What is the Antelope Valley Mosquito, Vector and Disease Control Assessment Measure?
The Mosquito, Vector and Disease Control Assessment is a mailed ballot measure for property owners that, if approved, will allow the District to provide continued, comprehensive, mosquito and other vector surveillance and control, and vector-borne disease testing and prevention services.
Why did I receive a ballot?
The ballot you received is your opportunity to vote on the continued mosquito, vector and disease control services from the Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. Please review the notice included with your ballot for more information on this measure.
What is the Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District and what is the role of the Cities or County with this measure?
The Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District is an independently-funded public health service agency, separate from any City or the Counties. Antelope Valley MVCD was established in 1958 and has since been providing mosquito, vector and disease control services within its boundaries. Throughout its history the District has been fiscally responsible and has worked within its limited budget, even when faced with cost increases and the added cost of controlling disease outbreaks from mosquitoes (such as West Nile Virus), and newly invasive Aedes aeqypti species.
Why are additional funds needed now?
The Mosquito District is currently funded by a very small portion of local property taxes and an minimal (and increasingly insufficient) yearly special assessment that was established in 1958 - this special assessment is significantly lower than that of similar mosquito control districts in California. Despite years of budgets reductions by the Mosquito District, the current tax and assessment revenues do not cover the Districts current costs, which will result in service level reductions if an updated revenue source is not established.
Will any of this money go to the County or State to be used for other purposes?
No. All money collected by the Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District from this proposed Mosquito, Vector and Disease Control Assessment must be used for local mosquito, vector and disease control within the District.
What types of services will be funded?
In response to a rapid increase of Aedes aegypti, “the yellow fever mosquito” in Los Angeles County, the District is looking to activate a response team with two additional technicians.
The following are other services an assessment will provide:
• Continued and increased control and treatment of local storm drains
which are currently a very significant breeding source for mosquitoes
• Continued and increased control and treatment of un-maintained
“green” pools in your neighborhood, which are also currently a very
significant breeding source for mosquitoes
• Provide free mosquito-eating fish to property owners for backyard
ponds and other water features
• Control mosquito sources with environmentally sound products
wherever mosquito larvae or pupae are found
• Test for diseases that can be carried by mosquitoes
• Respond rapidly to service requests concerning mosquitoes
• Provide community education on how to treat and prevent vector
How would assessment funds be spent? What are the public accountability and fiscal controls?
All the assessment funds raised would be spent on mosquito, vector and disease control in the District. Public accountability and fiscal controls include the following:
· Budget for the services proposed each year will be overseen by the Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Board of Trustees
· Annual public hearings and public reviews
Is there a public hearing on the assessment? When will results of the ballot proceeding be known?
A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend. Currently, Public Hearings will be a Zoom Teleconference meeting held in accordance with Government Code section 54953 and Governor Newsom’s executive order N-25-20. Please contact Leann Verdick for meeting links.
Tabulation of the returned ballots will commence after the close of the public input portion of the hearing on July 5, 2022, and the results of the tabulation are expected to be announced at the following special meeting on July 13, 2022.
How can I return my ballot?
You may return your ballot in either of the following ways:
· Mail it to the address shown in the enclosed, postage-paid return envelope so it is received on or before July 5, 2022.
· Deliver it in person (DROP OFF ONLY) at the District office located at 42624 6th St. E., Lancaster, California 93535. Ballots must be received prior to the close of the public hearing held via zoom on July 5, 2022 at 4:00 pm, as detailed above.
What is the deadline for returning my ballot?
To be counted, ballots must be received before the close of the public testimony portion of the public hearing scheduled to begin at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, July 5 2022. This deadline applies regardless of whether the ballot is mailed or hand-delivered at the public hearing.
I own several properties. Why did I receive only one ballot?
Ballots can list up to 14 parcel numbers. Property owners that own more than one piece of property with the same mailing address in the District will receive/received one ballot with up to 14 of their properties listed on the ballot as well as the proposed assessment for each property. When you cast your ballot, you are casting for all of your properties listed on the ballot.
How much is this assessment?
The proposed assessment for your property for fiscal year 2022-23 is printed on the Official Ballot included with the notice and information item. The rate for most single family homes is $10.50 per year. Other residential property types would be assessed according to the number of dwelling units and parcel size. Commercial, industrial and agricultural properties would be assessed according to their parcel size and property type. The proposed assessment would raise approximately $1,057,554 for fiscal year 2022-23.
Can the amount of the assessment be adjusted for inflation in future years?
The assessment is subject to an annual adjustment tied to the Los Angeles‐Long Beach‐Anaheim, CA CPI, as of December of each succeeding year (“CPI”), not to exceed 3% per year. Any change in the CPI in excess of 3% shall be cumulatively reserved as the “Unused CPI” and shall be used to increase the maximum authorized assessment rate in years in which the CPI is less than 3%. The maximum authorized assessment rate is equal to the maximum assessment rate in the first fiscal year the assessment was levied adjusted annually by the minimum of 1) 3% or 2) the change in the CPI plus any Unused CPI as described above.
How long will the assessment last?
The assessment, which is initially proposed for the fiscal year 2022-23, may be continued on an annual basis with a majority vote of the Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Board of Trustees. Before the assessment can be continued in any future year, the District must first prepare a budget and plans for upcoming fiscal year. Then the Board of Trustees must hold a noticed public hearing on continuing the assessment and the budget for the assessment before the assessment can be authorized for the upcoming year.
For additional questions, or questions specific to your ballot and/or property, please contact Antelope Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District at (661) 942-2917